
Ken Rogers Alumni Endowed Scholarship Announced

The News Magazine of HCU


For students who attended HBC/HBU between 1967 and 2008, the name Ken Rogers is synonymous with Financial Aid. Ken patiently answered every question and listened to every plea. His mission was to assist students, and, with his help through financial planning, scholarships, and grants, many were able to enroll and ultimately graduate. Now, as alumni, we have our chance to honor and thank Ken for his personal investment in our education!

Started on a Facebook private message as a grassroots movement of alumni, former and current faculty and staff, the effort has become a reality to honor Ken with a scholarship in his name that will live in perpetuity and bless future Huskies. The first gifts have been pledged to begin the Ken Rogers Alumni Endowed Scholarship.

To fully endow this scholarship, our goal is to raise $75,000. Every single gift in any amount will make a difference and will help us reach the goal. You can  Additionally, checks may be mailed to the University’s secure lockbox:
HBU Advancement Lockbox | P.O. Box 4897 | Dept. #527 | Houston, TX 77210 | Please note on the check’s memo line that your donation is for the Ken Rogers Alumni Endowed Scholarship.
We hope you will prayerfully consider joining us as we honor this great friend, mentor, colleague, and father of two alumni.


Dr. Tommy Bambrick, Lori Rogers Baker ’90, Zoe Beinart ’01, Steve Braun ’80, Francis Bui ’00, Debora Burnett ’06, Sherry Byrd, Candace Adams Desrosiers ’94, Dr. Daton Dodson, Shelley Rogers Garza ’88, Mary-Ellen Hall ’88, HBU Retirees Association, Elaine Higginbotham, Dr. Robert Linder, Dr. Elysee Peavy, Sharon & Les Saunders, Vivian Camacho Winslow ’91